Elvex Safety Goggles

Sealed Eye Protection

The sealed eye protection that goggles provide helps protect against dust, wind, and other dangers better than safety glasses can. Elvex safety goggles come in two styles, including traditional goggles and hybrid goggles/glasses.

1 to 2 of 2 items
2 Styles
On Sale
Elvex Legionnaire Goggles - Clear Lens - Thick Elastic Strap
Item#: ELV-GG-25C-AF-AS
$2.99 / Each (1 Pair)
5 stars out of 5 stars (1)
On Sale
2 Styles
2 Styles
On Sale
Elvex Legionnaire Goggles - Clear Lens - Thin Elastic Strap
Item#: ELV-GG-25C-AF-Smoke
$2.49 / Each (1 Pair)
5 stars out of 5 stars (1)
On Sale
2 Styles