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Wiley X Gravity
Patented Seal & Protection
Embrace the patented removable cavity seal technology of Wiley X Gravity sunglasses. These glasses block out wind, light and debris for a secure and protective fit. The lenses are shatterproof and block out 100% of UV rays.

1 to 4 of 4 items

4 Styles
Wiley X Gravity Sunglasses - Gloss Black Frame - Light Adjusting Grey Lens
Item#: WX-CCGRA05
$175.00 / Each (1 Pair)
4 Styles

4 Styles
Wiley X Gravity Sunglasses - Kryptek Neptune Frame - Polarized Green Mirror Lens
Item#: WX-CCGRA12
$216.00 / Each (1 Pair)
4 Styles

4 Styles
4 Styles

4 Styles
4 Styles